a few of my favourite things

Brown paper packages tied up with string, is by far my favourite way of wrapping gifts. I've always thought that the old world quality of kraft paper and simple string, makes the gift itself a bit more special. And I love letting my boys decorate their gifts with custom artwork, different with each gift.

Have you ever wrapped something and then realized that the paper and card cost more than the gift?

Every year I do my best to wrap gifts as they're purchased. But, being a busy Realtor, family baker, designated shopper and gift wrapper (aka Mom), it is easy to get overwhelmed and I always find myself wrapping past midnight on Christmas Eve, only to have it all ripped off hours later!

This year, I have it down to a science so that come Christmas eve, when my boys have gone to bed, I will put my feet up, relax with my hubby - and enjoy a bottle of my favourite cider!

Here's what you need to make your time life saving wrapping station:

1. A giant roll of paper.
Keep your wrap close to a large table. My station is in my dining room, as it is at the front of my home so when packages arrive, they get wrapped and placed under the tree right away.
If you opt for kraft paper like I do, then I highly recommend a commercial sized roll priced at about $50 (available at Creative Bag or Uline), this essential staple won't run out, leaving more time for other things you want to enjoy! If you prefer colourful Christmas paper, an antique sap bucket or tall basket, will keep your wrapping at the ready as well as tidy.

Check out my next post for the other essential items I always have on hand!


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