Love Where You Live! Top 3 Healthy Benefits of Walking

Top 3 Healthy Benefits of Walking

I recently read a Blog post by Walkscore, where they wrote "sitting is the smoking of our generation", according to a Harvard Business Review article. Many new studies and findings indicate to us that our technology savvy ways of doing business and living our lives, is adding to the general unwellness of society and culture.
Walking is free, it is low stress on your body and almost anyone can do it starting today! Choosing to walk instead of drive and choosing to walk with a friend instead of meeting for a latte, is a much more efficient way of staying body fit and happy minded. I myself much prefer to walk than go to a gym, and I know my four legged best friend loves that I prefer that too!  “Walking is the closest thing to a magic bullet for health,” says Dr. Graham Colditz of Washington University School of Medicine. 

1. Lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle in a Walkable neighbourhood.
Find a walkable place to live and start enjoying a healthy routine of walking instead of driving. In a walkable neighbourhood, you can do most of your daily errands. Grocery shopping, banking, schools access to work (including transit), are just steps away without the need to drive your car. A healthy lifestyle like this will melt any extra pounds away! 

2. Walk to improve your health.
Combat Cancer - A study by Harvard University showed that Women who walked 3-5 hours per week, reduce their risk of death by breast and uterine cancer by 54%. 
Men diagnosed with prostate cancer, who walk briskly for at least 3 hours a week were 57% less likely to see the disease progress.

Reduce Heart Disease - Walking at a moderate pase (3-4 mph) for up to 3 hours per week, can cut a Womens risk of heart disease by 40%. For men who walk 1.5 miles per day had a significantly lower rate of heart disease then those men who walked less, according to Harvard's Beth Isreal Deaconness Medical Centre.

Reduce Blood Pressure - For those who walk 30 minutes a day, five times a week a reduction in blood pressure was noted recently in a Korean Institute of Sports Medicine.

Reduce Risk of Diabetes - A study of more than 3,000 overweight adults, conducted by a New England Journal of Medicine, found that 2.5 hours of walking each week (in combination with a healthy diet) reduced the onset of diabetes by 58% in participants under 60 years old. The risk was reduced by 71% in those over the age of 60. 

Keep Arteries Clear - A study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that walking before a meal may reduce the effects of high-fat foods on blood vessels. Unclogged vessels and arteries keeps the blood moving easily throughout the body, organs and limbs. 

Walking helps Arthritis and strengthens Joints - After an 8-week study by Annals of Internal Medicine, knee arthritis sufferers were able to walk 18% farther and boosted joint function by 40%. The participants in the study also noted  significantly less pain and required less medication after walking.

3. Walk to boost Mental Health and maintain a Healthy Brain.

Many different research studies demonstrate that walking for exercise improves mental health, reduces the effects of depression and anxiety and replenishes endorphins that give us the sense of well-being. Being active also boosts self-esteem and cognitive brain function. A routine that includes Walking can reduce brian atrophy, brain shrinkage and mental decline, which helps lower the onset risk of Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia, according to research by Rush University Medical Centre and Edinburgh University.

Get inspired while walking

1. Treat yourself to a great pair of comfortable shoes, so that your feet will welcome a your new walking routine and lifestyle.

2. Take advantage of local business that offer products and services that you can walk to. Get in your daily exercise by adding an errand to your daily walk.

3. If you can't walk to most of the necessary amenities like grocery, transit or schools, find a new home that offers this lifestyle.

4. Help make your community more walk friendly by contacting your local Council, City or Town.


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